The Bringers of the Dawn are in vigilant inventory of humans that have certain light advancement at their soul body union, and are monitoring and protecting those of worthy evolution. The next two years are going to be very turbulent with strange weather and excessive heat, winds, fires and meteors. You are awakening to the realms that you already know. For these are the realms of the soul and not the prison world of this matrix that you sojourn on. This is not magic, religious or anything but the vision of the projector and the exiting from the theatre that your body holds you to. Many have been going to the rest room as it were, and realizing that they were glued to a movie that someone else has created for their entertainment. Except the movie has many commercials by corporations, secret orders and agendas to teach you what you know, with a twist that serves their agendas and public hypnosis. This is your world. We are...