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Showing posts from September, 2017

Yout are being distressed to leave the matrix movie for a reason

The Bringers of the Dawn are in vigilant inventory of humans that have certain light advancement at their soul body union, and are monitoring and protecting those of worthy evolution.   The next two years are going to be very turbulent with strange weather and excessive heat, winds, fires and meteors. You are awakening to the realms that you already know.   For these are the realms of the soul and not the prison world of this matrix that you sojourn on.   This is not magic, religious or anything but the vision of the projector and the exiting from the theatre that your body holds you to.   Many have been going to the rest room as it were, and realizing that they were glued to a movie that someone else has created for their entertainment.   Except the movie has many commercials by corporations, secret orders and agendas to teach you what you know, with a twist that serves their agendas and public hypnosis.   This is your world.   We are...

Do not worry what they think, for their thinking is controlled

The process of freedom and resetting of your presence to your soul begins by recalibrating.   Your actions should be a focus to the moment and what needs to be done, not what has to be done.   Whenever you feel that your actions are to compensate for your image or the lack of what you are, that's the marker of what needs to.   For this is your action to shuns and self-judgment. This is a habit that requires a definite focus to escape and this is what creates fear and the inroads of inner slavery.   Just remember, whatever it is you believe about yourself you manifest, so start with believing in yourself and connection to your soul and higher purpose.   Be free from others as they could have a hold on you.   And you will spot them for they are great manipulators and shamers and they work upon your kindness and your caring nature.   Dear ones wake up, Quential is here to help you.   Quicken and be in the moment of your being, self aut...

There are other ways

Because of the fear being projected by the matrix for so many centuries, human tend to see life in only one way which is considered as the one which brings guaranteed success. When one fails this way, they face the psychological pressure of the society that comes from the outdated templates. Having experienced it all myself after failure in college, I can tell that life is about experiencing stuff yourself as only in this way you can truly understand. Living by the codes of others means to experience an illusion as you see the world from their eyes, not yours. Although the pain felt is huge when one goes through the struggle which comes with rock bottom, lessons downloaded make it worth all the bad experiences. And I write all the words from the true essence of my soul, but you have to go through the similar experiences with your own physical shell so you can feel them for real. No matter what you have been through or still going through, there is always a way to get out. May...

You cannot grasp the future while you’re still holding on to the past

Image source, You cannot grasp the future and simultaneously cling to the past and hold it, for this is how it is in your temporal detection of the 3-dimensional holographic cage world you live in. The purpose of your life is to gather your fragmentation of disruptive natures into cause and effect understanding. What a wondrous education your soul gets. Dear ones, understand that there are so many realms for you to see and experience for learning the basics of your core and yourself and this is all I hope to teach you; fragments of PRIME SOURCE developing the sense of sentience. This lesson is to understand that you must let go of everything that traps your spark of SOURCE. Know that you are all ONE and all in the creation of individualised authors of your creation. The sooner you grasp this the quicker you will formulate the creation of you, dear authors. For life is your book, you're an autobiography of all that you do. The delusion is that you are a ...

Could it be that the end times are the predictions of the ancients of days, enhanced by the elite?

They the secret fraternity brought you the bible, controlled your banking institutions, manufactured money-currency out of useless paper and worthless metal (to believe in and ‘worship and trust’), and ever so clever have they have listed events that will come to pass as predations in scriptures making you believe it is all “gods” word contained in the sacred words of “god”.  Be aware kindred spirits, of those that wish to have you see only the BLACK and WHITE options of a wrathful and Oppressive God that you must serve that needs a sacrifice or go to Hell, not Heaven. When the Atlanteans travelled there on their Ships and on the apparent moon you know so perfectly, placed for terra forming in a precise orbit after a great war and battle in your solar system to stabilize the world which had taken the majority of water from the planet Mars, they built a great civilization upon this world.   They set up grids of pyramidal structures along the lay lines of the Earth. They ...

Complete signs you are born awake, first part

Been through so much frequency upgrade during the spiritual awakening, I have come to the conclusion that the ones who are in here to help mother Earth update to higher vibrations, are born fully awake in their last incarnation. Being my last, many memories from childhood are coming back to me for the main purpose of reminding the true essence of the soul, unconditional love. All the experiences I have been through so far have helped in the tremendous spiritual growth which is needed for humanity to be where it truly deserves to be. Although the pain is such that only those who are prepared can handle, it is always a good idea to share it through the spiritual wisdom gained so others can download the right conscious which they need to use as a light in their own path. In this article, I am going to share complete signs that prove one is born awake on mother Earth. You feel like an outsider While most of the people live their own life based on the outdated templates, souls w...

Memes for 5d people, first part

As the frequency of the planet updates to a higher one, so does our understanding. At this point in time relationships are developing faster than ever due to the exchange of the energy in a higher frequency when compared to the previous one. Although most are still operating directly from the low vibrations of the third dimension, there is a few who have achieved direct connection with the Source . Because of such connection, this group of people has the ability to download extremely huge amount of consciousness which can be used to upgrade humanity where it deserves to be. Being part of such group myself, I decided to compile a list of spiritual memes through which us on the awake side can entertain ourselves during the spiritual awakening. Keep in mind that the artwork shared in this post is not my property, only the commentary is mine. If you feel like I should give anyone of you guys credit for the memes, feel free to leave a comment in the comments section . Wh...

Does everyone have a twinflame?

Many on the awake side are really curious to know if everyone who has incarnated here on mother Earth has a twinflame or not. While most of them ask such question due to the perfect romantic relationships they are looking for, being on the twinflame journey myself for more than six years now, I can tell the twinflame mission's main purpose is the creation of conscious templates through unconditional love so humans can live the life they truly deserve. Before answering the important question which everyone needs an answer for, I would like to explain in a few sentences the concept of the twinflame. Basically a twinflame is an old soul in their last incarnation on the Earth plane, someone who has realized their true essence, unconditional love . Spiritually awake, the twinsoul understands their purpose on mother Earth is to help with their own light in the upgrade of the planet to higher vibrations. Based on the above explanation which comes from my personal experience, ever...

Spiritually awake women surviving the russian wilderness for 70 years

While many are focused on the Money due to the pressure which the matrix pushes on them, world presents us with the kind of stories that can touch one's soul really deep. Such real tale is that of Agafia, an old christian lady who has lived her entire life close to the nature, feeding herself with fresh fish, potatoes, and organic milk from the goats she still owns. Agafia and her cat in the  Siberia's taiga Agafia's house Although her reality is far away from the modern world in which we currently live, just by using very primitive tools when compared to ours, she has managed to be self sufficient in a virgin place even scientists fear to go for doing research.  Agafia showing her potatoes to the journalist  While most may find Agafia's way of living the life as really ancient, for sure all of them who do so would love to have healthy food which is being directly produced by mother Nature on their table. As an old soul who has been in here fo...

Complete reasons why you should stop being the nice person, first part

A nice person has a really kind soul which is all about the positive energy with the main purpose of helping others improve their life in any way possible. Ready to be useful at any kind of situation and point in time, nice people find true joy in spending their own light to enlighten the path of others who are lost in the darkness of the outdated templates. Although such way of living the life brings inner happiness to the one who experiences it, at the same time it creates the kind of frequency which is responsible for attracting abusive souls who like to exploit others for their personal benefits. Having experienced toxic relationships myself due to the gentle soul which I have, I decided to compile a list of reasons why one should stop being the nice person so they can avoid being used. Let's start with each one of them, keep in mind that mostly the knowledge which I do share on this website comes from my personal experience . A nice person attracts a lot of energy va...

A word on sexual energy for awake people

Sexual energy is the fire at the base of the spine that is mirrored back from the sun.  It travels up the spine once the core energy is drawn through the back of the cranium. It has a unitized force of polarity in motion. This hits the base of the spine and forms two snakes of energy polarity force as is termed by many the Yin and Yang, or the positive and negative charges, male and female principles.  It then dances up the spine into independent forces that repel and attract at different ganglia of nerve endings or centres.  Chakras and kundalini energy. The snakes represent male and female energy . Chakras and Kundalini energy. The snakes represent male and female energy. As they hit the grids on the way up the spine they form a spinning vortex of energy that is like a cone of energy and has each centre, a wavelength of expression.  This is termed by some as the chakras.  The higher the energy, that greater the uplifting of these centres, and...

These twinflame couples made it to physical union, first part

Many on the twinflame journey are being really scared about the physical union with their true twin, is it going to happen or not? Such feelings come from the fear vibration, a frequency which has been controlling the entire humanity for many centuries. Twinflames are in here to setup an example for the souls who are in deep sleep, to create the conscious templates with the main vibration that of unconditional love. While most on the twinflame mission are struggling in the runner/chaser phase, there is a few who have managed to unite in the physical. Inspired by their tremendous spiritual growth, I decided to share them and their work on this article with the main purpose of motivating other twins and giving them hope during the dark times. goldraytwinflames goldraytwinflames is a twinflame couple from Canada in physical union sharing their journey through videos on Youtube. Their sacred knowledge on the mission of the twinsoul is not only useful in moving forward to the un...

Fake people wearing the spiritual badge

Image source, It is not up to me to judge anyone as I have accepted myself without conditions, but the spiritual communities for sure have their own problems. Lately, due to the update of my frequency to a higher one I am noticing a lot of people who wear the spiritual badge mainly because they think it sounds cool to be awake at this time. Such thing is a sign of lower frequencies in action, one who is on a high vibration can easily understand why people who are still prey of the outdated templates do certain thing that do not resonate with their inner self. I repeat, not that such thing does bother me as I am focused on my own personal development, but it is my mission as a lightworker to expose the darkness which is still in power. As white warriors we do have the kindness which welcomes all kind of souls in our radiation zone, no matter what they have done or been through in the past. It is our own light which dark warriors use as a weakness to exploit u...