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Showing posts from August, 2017

Complete signs you are directly connected to the Source, first part

Image source, Spiritual awakening is helping many people to connect to their true essence of the soul, it is its main purpose. Although in the beginning of such experience the one who enters it feel lost and abandoned from God, with the connection to their true selves direct communication with the Source is made possible. What most of the people like to call God, we spiritual workers define it as a high source of pure white energy. We like to call it Source. Based on my personal experience with the awakening so far, I decided to compile a list of signs which show one is directly connected to the Source. You experience very high vibrations The ones who are still living in the third dimension reality are being stuck only into low frequencies as they have not connected to themselves yet. Everyone has the inner gifts needed to experience high vibration realities, it is all a matter of incarnations and lessons.  Once you connect to the true essence of...

What is the New Earth, first part

Many on the spiritual journey have been introduced to the term New Earth , not all of them understand it. Humanity has been experiencing life on Earth plane in low frequencies for many centuries, in what I prefer to call the Toxic Earth . With the spiritual awakening, people are waking up to the true essence of their soul, unconditional love. Such realization is a big step in moving towards the updated Earth as it is unconditional love which is going to serve as the main tool in creating it. What exactly is the New Earth? The New Earth is the result of a tremendous update of the old frequencies with higher ones such as unconditional love, self worth and inner happiness, a huge shift in the way of living. It is the pass from toxic ways of living to conscious ones. Lets give a more detailed view on the New Earth based on the knowledge I am downloading from Source. Unconditional love is the main template in the New Earth Almost all types of relationships which exist on mothe...

Crying during the spiritual awakening

Spiritual awakening is an experience which helps the one who goes through it remember the true essence of their soul, a tough journey only few are lucky to walk during this lifetime. Although it brings a tremendous positive change in someone's life, a lot of pain comes with it. Such struggle comes due to the fight of the soul with the ego, the programmed mind which has been prey of the outdated templates fights back anytime you try to come up as who you truly are. At some point of the awakening , the one who experiences it will feel like they are going crazy as everything of the old world does not match the updated frequency anymore. When feelings of abandonment, being worthless attack the soul, tears come out. Hot tears... Since a kid,  each one of us is kinda programmed to be strong in the eyes of others no matter the pain as weakness is viewed as something which can lead to exploitation of the one showing it. Being raised in such a dysfunctional way, all the emotions th...

This city has no government, no religion and no money

As a lightworker it is normal for me wanting to live in a place where basic outdated templates such as religion , race and social status  which are being used for mass control in deeply programmed societies, don't exist. I do believe it is the dream of anyone on the spiritual journey, as when one becomes conscious they need the proper environment to develop the gifts of the soul in the third dimension. While most of the humans living a third dimensional based life think of such stuff as utopia , highly evolved spiritual beings experiencing life on Earth have proved the opposite. While the humanity shifts to higher frequencies, so does its way of living. People are tired of the struggle which comes with the heavy industrialization, due to the connection with their true selves they want to go back to mother Nature. After some research on the internet, I did find a self sustainable city which I would love to share with spiritual people from all over the world. Auroville ...

Complete signs you are a twinflame based on my personal experience, first part

The twiflame topic is getting a lot of popularity in the online spiritual communities as the awakening is helping souls on earth to realize their true essence. Due to the karmic relationships they have experienced in the past, they now desire a conscious one as the updated frequency does not match the outdated reality. While many write about twinsouls, not all of them have been through the experiences themselves, so their words are not truly felt. All my spiritual journey started back in 2011, when I did see the false twinflame in a dream and then experienced it at the University. The synchronicities were crazy, I used to see her in the dreams and all of them did manifest. By the way, there is a false twinflame and the true one. The purpose of the fake twinsoul is to prepare you spiritually for the true one. As most of you reading this article may know, a twinsoul is a soul which splits into two souls and incarnates on earth in two different physical bodies mostly with...

Complete signs you are becoming a 5th dimensional being based on my personal experience, first part

Spiritual awakening is changing planet Earth in a tremendous way as it is the process which helps souls who have incarnated in physical flesh to remember their true essence. Although such experience is scary in the beginning due to the triggers the ego goes through so it can completely die, all the lessons learned during it, make the awakening a great gift from the Universe for those who go through it. The discovery of true self , brings new ways of operating the third dimension, conscious ones to be more specific. As the frequency update progresses, low vibrations leave the soul and open space for high ones such as unconditional love. At the moment the soul truly remembers its full essence, ego has no choice, but to experience death. Such event is the beginning of a long spiritual journey, the pass from ego operation of the earth plane to that of the soul based living. Regardless of the pain experienced during such huge shift, the ascension is the kind of experience which not ...

Complete signs you are accepting your own path based on my personal experience

Since little kids we have been programmed to follow a certain path which comes from the ego, it is not our true destiny. The fear of being without one, left alone, is what drives the desire within us to walk a fake one. As we enter the spiritual awakening, a life changing experience, we start to look deep in ourselves, realizing all the illusions we have been living due to the mind programming of the past. Like everyone else experiencing the life on planet Earth, I have been living based on the old belief systems of my society. Due to the self realization of my true essence, I am now following my own journey with great confidence. Although the awakening helps a great deal in realizing the true self, in the beginning many are scared to make the right steps as the old way of doing things is still present within them. To help myself and such people to experience the true journey, I decided to compile a list of signs which show one is ready to accept and walk their true path. You...

Join the unity meditation of 144000 lightworkers

As a worker of pure light, been through so much darkness to come back as the true essence of my soul, I can tell now it is the time for us white warriors to work even harder than before. So much darkness is being exposed so far, but it is up to us as a collective to speed up the process so we don't suffer anymore from the old belief systems which rule the planet Earth right now. Not only we have to deal with the outdated systems of the matrix which makes us believe in certain illusions as true, but we also have to help the humanity in the process of ascension, where we have gone through and experienced deep pain, they don't have to. Universe is so perfect in itself it makes no mistakes, our awakening is not an accident, everything has been planed so we as light warriors help in the wake up of humanity from the deep sleep it has been in for many centuries. With the pure light as the main tool in our mission, we have to join forces with each other and prove the rest of the ...

Art photos for waking people up from the deep sleep

True art is the materialization of the real essence of the soul in the third dimension through various forms such as poetry, music, painting and photo. When one enjoys a work of art , they connect deeply to themselves. I had to deal with so many blockages from the past during the spiritual awakening, to appreciate and truly understand art. Although our lives connect in many ways, it is the different experiences one has been through that make them see stuff others don't. By leaving a comment for each one of the following pieces of art, I share a few particles of my own soul with the collective. Complete disconnection from the true nature of our body which was not primarily designed to process toxic food, heavily produced by the food industry nowadays. Technology has made possible to have any kind of food the mind can come up with, but in the end it is just garbage as it does not come from our mother Nature . The mankind used to think by itself. Now, it is the technolog...

Complete lessons learned during the spiritual awakening based on my personal experience

The whole purpose of spiritual awakening as an experience, is the pass from a fake life based on the matrix to the true one which is manifested by the inner self. Many important lessons come with it, useful in creating a future full of inner peace and happiness. When I take a look back on my life, everything has changed in a positive way. The pain which I experienced during the wake up has brought me this far, so I don't regret any of my past experiences, whatever they may be. Anyone who has gone through awakening, for sure that resonates with the lessons which I am going to share in this article. Self acceptance is the key to acceptance To be accepted in the society in which we live in nowadays, one has to fit a certain lifestyle which is accepted by the matrix. At the moment they decide to go their own way, programmed minds, just like robots, try to pressure them by using old behavior patterns. Triggered by such toxic energy, the soul suffers during the battle with the...

11:11 everywhere you go, what is happening to your life

Many people from all over the globe, are seeing specific numbers too often during their daily life experiences, getting weird feelings on what is happening with them. One of the codes which has been reported to appear the most, seems to be 11:11 . I remember back in 2011 during the meet of a false twinflame, numbers such as 111 and 1111 appearing on my digital clocks, trying to communicate messages send by the Universe . Frustrated by the awakening of inner energies, feeling hopeless and worthless because of the rejection by the person who I thought to be my other half, I was dealing with a lot of anger at that time. The higher self, being a guide during the journey on planet Earth, knows everything about the right steps required by your side to walk the true path, the only one. On the other hand, ego which is programmed by the matrix with many illusions, works with any method possible to shut down the soul in its desire of following the 11:11 messenger. 11:11 is the code of ...