As our planet ages many major changes take place in it. Lately many people are waking up from the old programming realizing they have been victims of a deep sleep full of dysfunctional patterns. There are many beautiful souls out there helping humanity move to a new frequency, to the love one. Some of these beautiful souls are really young, or they look so, but deep down they have a spiritual maturity like no other. Many call them the awake children. What is the awake children purpose in here Why have such loving souls incarnated in a karmic planet like mother Earth? Their main objective in here is to break the old dysfunctional patterns so the humanity unlocks the chain of karma in order to evolve to a more higher frequency. The special gifts these amazing children have are great tools if put in usage where needed. In the beginning they are being misunderstood by the society as their light looks unreal to the ones living in total darkness. It is normal for this to...