I thought she was the one! I see many awakened twinflames struggling in their journeys, and it is probably because they are mistaking the false twinflame for the true one. Because of the suffering experienced, it is always a good idea to compile a list of the entire signs that prove one has met the false twin, so the truth may be discovered. They drain all your energy A false twin flame drains all your energy. When thinking about the false twinflame, they suck all your energy, leaving you drained and hopeless. It feels like you are losing all your powers. Like you are a prisoner to someone! All day and night is spent thinking about them. This energy vampirism happens on the fifth dimension. What feels like a twinflame connection is nothing but a karmic attachment. There is karma between you The false twinflame tries all the time to put the true one down so he or she can have a feeling of security. There is no love coming from the fake one....